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3-axis accelerometer with 4-pin Bendix connector, 100 mV/g

Model 993A

Triaxial accelerometer, 100 mV/g sensitivity, ±10% sensitivity tolerance, low profile with side exit 4-pin Bendix connector (#PC01A-8-4P, p/n R9W), case isolated, 1/4-28 captive mounting screw

Wilcoxon's triaxial accelerometers comprise three sensing elements within a single housing. 3-axis accelerometers enable multi-directional data acquisition in a single measurement. Proponents of 3-axis accelerometers cite the increase speed of data collection, inherently consistent readings, and a reduction in wiring for permanent installations.

3-axis accelerometer features

  • Rugged design
  • Easy to mount
  • Fast and consistent data collection
  • Reduced wiring for permanent installations



Sensitivity 100 mV/g
Sensitivity tolerance ±10 %
Frequency response, ±3 dB 2 Hz - 2,000 Hz
Mounting thread 1/4-28 captive socket head screw
Connector style Bendix PC02A-8-4P, 4-pin
Connector orientation Side exit
Full-scale range 50 g peak
Resonance frequency 15 kHz
Temperature range -50°C to +120°C
Weight 88 grams
Hazardous area approvals Non-approved

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