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Process display panel meter, 4-20 mA output

Model PCD100-24-B-420-0

Digital panel meter, accepts common process voltage (0-5 V, 1-5 V, ±10 V) and current (0-20 mA, 4-20 mA) inputs, RTDs, and thermocouples, 4-20 mA output, 12-36 VDC, 4-digit process display, NEMA 4X, IP65 rated


PCD inputs Current (4-20 mA), Current (0-20 mA), Temperature (RTD), Temperature (Thermocouple type J, K, T or E), Voltage (0-10 V), Voltage (1-5 V)
PCD display size 1.2" high, 4 digits
PCD display brightness Standard brightness
Power (to power display) 12-36 VDC or 12-24 VAC, 6 W max
PCD outputs 4-20 mA
PCD transmitter output None

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